
Robert Machado (he/him) works as an artist and professor within a variety of fields and media. As an early member of the “lowercase sound” movement, discussed by scholars such as Arielle Saiber in “The Polyvalent Discourse of Electronic Music” (2007), since 2001 his experimental sound art under the name Civyiu Kkliu has been performed in galleries on the West and East Coast and published in the US, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria. His visual art has been displayed on the East and West Coast of the US. His most recent work includes cyanotypes (blueprints), small format Polaroid photography, artist books, public poetics, static films, sonification of flora + compost de/recomposition (PA ck-flor), and monochrome noise. As Chair of Humanities, Director and Professor of English (PhD), and founder of the Digital Humanities Lab at Lebanon Valley College, he teaches courses in US literature, Film Studies, Interdisciplinary Arts, Writing, and Theory. His research involves the study of color across verbal and visual media, ecomusicology, ecopoetics, econarratology, the environmental humanities, early cinema and early photography, and the avant-garde. He is the founder and co-creator of two apps, the RainbowReader, a tool for corpus linguistics color research and data visualization; and CareerFinder, which helps students within the humanities to discover careers that match their emerging areas of interest and expertise.

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